Que No Quede Huella, Neon Video, 1 hour looping 4k video, red neon, variable dimensions, 2022

composed of a 55” TV monitor with attached neon letters in bright red that spell out “Que No Quede Huella”, the title and chorus of a famous Tex-Mex song written by Lupe Esparza with his band Bronco. The 1989 musical hit continues to be an icon of Mexican culture, rooted in the heartbreak that results from a complicated historical process based in abuse, rupture, and separation stemming from the tension in its dual heritage and the constant struggle to be free. Overlaying the neon text onto video work forces the viewer to engage with each element in a different way than they are used to. Juxtaposing the two grabs viewer’s attention with bright red neon letters, while simultaneously obfuscating the videos playing behind it. The viewer is forced to play closer attention to the films to see the action unfolding behind the neon glow. In turn, the video portion informs the viewer’s understanding of the neon text, transforming its meaning over time.

There is Beauty, Pero No La Vemos, 4 4k monitors, video wall hardware, automotive spray paint, steel, suspension rigging, cables, 4k single channel video, variable dimensions, 1 hour looping 4k video, 2023

Viewers become performers as they crawl on their backs in an attempt to view the video portion of the work.